
Treatment of gum diseases, plaque removal

Our gums are situated in an infectious environment even in conditions of normal, healthy oral hygiene practices, given that our mouths are home to millions and millions of microorganisms. Even with correct oral hygiene practices, a constant inflammatory reaction occurs in the gum line, which is not visible when food particles and plaque are regularly and correctly removed, because in such cases bacteria forms a harmoniously operating community.

In the absence of this, the composition of plaque is altered, and harmful bacteria becomes abundant causing an inflammatory process in the gums that is visible to the naked eye. In fact, gingivitis is a normal reaction that appears when someone does not brush their teeth. This reaction is different from patient to patient. In some cases, gums swell and they become bright red and start to bleed, while in other cases the recession of gums can be observed. The tooth neck is thus exposed and it becomes sensitive to cold, hot, sweet, salty foods and drinks and to brushing.

Because of the destruction of the alveolar bone, the inflammation of the periodontium, and the destruction of periodontal fibres, teeth become loose and they fall out. Prevent periodontal diseases with correct oral hygiene, appropriate dental treatments, and regular plaque removal!

Oral hygiene tips:

  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles
  • Brush teeth twice a day
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months
  • Use dental floss (indispensable for cleaning areas that cannot be reached by a toothbrush)
  • Go to the dentist every 6 months for the necessary check-ups and professional teeth cleaning

This field of dentistry is rather complex, and at times a successful periodontal treatment requires the collaboration of multiple dentists. At our clinic, members of our dental team have been working together for years and have gained extensive clinical experience, thus, they are able to handle even complicated cases with success. If you would like your dental health to be flawlessly restored by our dental specialists, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by using our contact form.